Thursday, June 26, 2014

Using Bonus Packages to Become a Top-tier Affiliate Marketer

If you plan to sell anything online, one of the best ways to increase your sales is by mapping and creating your bonus offers in such a way that buyers will feel that they are getting absolute value for their money.  Believe it or not, but a bonus package may actually mean the difference between a potential customer sitting on the fence, and ensuring that the customer is converted into a paying customer. It can also mean the difference between your business and the competitor’s. 

Yes, most affiliate marketers know that they can boost sales by offering more bonuses. But most marketers are clueless as to how they can include bonuses with the products they offer. It is important to come up with and understand the strategy behind your targeting – this means providing the right bonuses while you recommend the products/services to your prospective customers.

Questions to ask yourself when figuring out the strategy behind your targeting:
·         What makes an awesome bonus that will get your target customers to purchase?
·         How do you know which bonus products to offer in addition to the “key” product/service that you are selling?
·         How do you package the product add-ons?
·         How do you deliver the bonus products on offer (especially if you are serious about affiliate bonus domination)?

Mapping and Creating Your Bonus
Knowing which bonus products to offer will help boost the sales of the product you are selling – let’s face it, people just love to get FREE stuff when they make purchases. Think about it, we always went for the pack of baseball cards that came with a free chewing gum – even if the gum tasted like gravel after a few seconds of chewing it – we were simply attracted to the bonus, period.

Tips On How Boost Sales By Offering More Bonuses
You may have a pretty hard time trying to come with product add-ons, so make sure you follow the number one rule below and you’ll be good to go!

Rule: Always make sure you package your bonus offers separately from the main product that you are offering.  For example, if you are selling an exercise video, you can give a bonus offer of say “slim fast” yummy recipes for those who love to eat without worrying about putting the weight back on. 

Please Note: You want to ensure that you give away a product or something that is connected to what you are selling. If it is not related to the product that you are selling, it is not going to boost the sales of your product.  For instance, the “slim fast” recipes are related to the exercise videos that you are selling.

Product add-ons can be anything. Here is a short list of bonus products to offer:
·         Whole mini-courses
·         eBooks
·         Software
·         Resource lists
·         Checklists
·         Audio or video files
·         Quick start guides
·         Access to events and special webinars etc

Remember, if you are serious about affiliate bonus domination, the bonuses you offer must be useful, valuable and relevant. 

Need more info? Click here! Watch this very informative webinar that you should watch. Learn why traditional Affiliate Marketing is dead, and how to use the new rules to consistently dominate in major product launches, get major recognition, and win thousands in prize money.

 In less than one year he had built an $81,564.41 / month income stream. Click here to watch.


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How to Master Email Marketing and Start Converting Leads Into Customers
By Russell D Armstrong

Email marketing is definitely one of the best ways to market product and services online, as it is affordable and easy to implement. Email marketing is a process that involves sending out newsletters that contain new product strategies, services and promotions to those who have subscribed to get emails from you.
When it comes to taking advantage of email marketing to convert leads into paying customers, then it is important to master the art of writing emails that sell. It is important to write quality emails that will convince subscribers to purchase the product or service that you are selling.

Writing Emails that Sell
Aside from finding offers that will promote your list, writing educational and editorial content is one way of converting your subscribers to paying customers. It is also important that you concentrate on creating content that will help you share quality information with your readers - do not focus majorly on asking for a sale or offering them too-good-to-pass-off discounts. Using series emails will help you to increase the effectiveness of your "enlightening" campaigns.

Email Marketing Metrics - How to Make More Money for Each Email
When you are creating email marketing content, it is important that you focus on giving your subscribers value and ensuring that you earn their trust. It is important to understand that prospective customers or clients will be at different places in their journey to purchasing products or services: some customers will know precisely why they need the product or service that you offer, while other prospective customers will not. Some customers will consider going with the competition and others will choose to do business with you.
Using quality content is important to helping you in the process of segmenting your list for increased profits. The goal of a good email marketing metrics is to help customers to move towards the next step in every buyer's journey - that is, purchasing your product/service.

Tips for Segmenting Your List For Increased Profits
One of the biggest errors that a lot of online business owners make with their email marketing project is sending the exact same type of emails to all their prospective customers... all the time. You need to know that all subscribers are NOT equal; you may have a combination of prospective customers (people who have not made any purchase... yet), new customers (people who have made their very first purchase from you), loyal customers (people who have many a lot of purchases), and past customers (people who have made purchases in the past and have not many any purchase in a long time).
The holistic approach to email marketing is quite simple. If your online shop sells clothing and accessories. You probably have teenagers, young adults, matured men and women as prospective customers. Sending all of them the same emails may not always help you make a sale. You can segment your list based on:

• Items they click on
• Lead magnets that they subscribe through - i.e. FREE clothing guides, discounts, FREE shipping on items bought etc
• Items that they have purchased

Ensure that you find out which option works best with your mailing list and client/customer database and begin to send targeted mailing based on customer's interests.

Russell Armstrong is an Internet Marketing Coach and Affiliate Marketing Specialist. CEO and Founder of Armstrong Enterprises.An Internet Based Company on the premise of helping people change their lives.
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