The emergence of mommy bloggers is a direct result of women’s desire to work online from home and build a community of like-minded friends. These blogs differ in content from other types of blogs by focusing mainly on topics revolving around the home, family matters, spiritual issues or work at home topics. While on the surface these mom blogs may seem like a way to pass the time, there are actually many other real benefits to running one.
Provides a Creative Outlet
For many bloggers, the ability to simply express their thoughts creatively is reward enough. While getting your works published through traditional means can be quite challenging, publishing on a blog takes literally seconds. Whether you seek to write news-worthy pieces or simply maintain an online diary of your life, the blog is a perfect outlet for your creative talents. Don’t limit yourself to just writing text on your blog, as they are also wonderful ways to showcase your photography as well.
For many bloggers, the ability to simply express their thoughts creatively is reward enough. While getting your works published through traditional means can be quite challenging, publishing on a blog takes literally seconds. Whether you seek to write news-worthy pieces or simply maintain an online diary of your life, the blog is a perfect outlet for your creative talents. Don’t limit yourself to just writing text on your blog, as they are also wonderful ways to showcase your photography as well.
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Launch a Writing Career
For those who are serious about wanting to work online from home, a blog is the prefect starting point to building a professional writing career. In essence, a blog is your portfolio and demonstrates your ability to capture the reader’s attention and communicate through the written word. While it may take time to grab the attention of higher ups, your blog is a great springboard toward paid professional writing assignments at larger websites or blogs.
Monetary Gain
While most blogs don’t start out making much money, they have the potential to turn into a viable way for a single working mom to earn extra money. By building up your readership and focusing on the right way to monetize the blog, you can at least earn a very lucrative side income. Traditional forms of monetizing blogs include displaying advertising on the side rails or even in the context of the post themselves.
While most blogs don’t start out making much money, they have the potential to turn into a viable way for a single working mom to earn extra money. By building up your readership and focusing on the right way to monetize the blog, you can at least earn a very lucrative side income. Traditional forms of monetizing blogs include displaying advertising on the side rails or even in the context of the post themselves.
Find Like-Minded Friends
Another important benefit of running a mom blog is that you will gain readers who quite often become lifelong friends. This is particularly important if your blogging about topics such a health issues or if you are a single working mom who simply needs to build a support network. Many of these friends will also have their own blogs and can help you build your readership by linking to yours. Bloggers also hold meetups in various locations where blog followers can meet in person to grab lunch, converse and get to know each other better.
Another important benefit of running a mom blog is that you will gain readers who quite often become lifelong friends. This is particularly important if your blogging about topics such a health issues or if you are a single working mom who simply needs to build a support network. Many of these friends will also have their own blogs and can help you build your readership by linking to yours. Bloggers also hold meetups in various locations where blog followers can meet in person to grab lunch, converse and get to know each other better.
Make an Impact
Finally, mom blogs have the ability to make a real impact on your community, the lives of others and even on state or federal policy. If you feel strongly about certain issues, blogging about them can help you gain increased support for them. Today’s viral blog posts are often picked up by local and national news outlets who expand on the stories by interviewing the blog writers. This is a wonderful way to bring attention to your cause by simply spending a little time at your computer keyboard.
More posts at
Finally, mom blogs have the ability to make a real impact on your community, the lives of others and even on state or federal policy. If you feel strongly about certain issues, blogging about them can help you gain increased support for them. Today’s viral blog posts are often picked up by local and national news outlets who expand on the stories by interviewing the blog writers. This is a wonderful way to bring attention to your cause by simply spending a little time at your computer keyboard.
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