Monday, April 27, 2015

How To Master Video Marketing

If you are looking to create a name for yourself online, then you need a visual presence. However, it is not enough to simply create content. Like it or not, professional online video promotion must become a significant part of your online marketing program.

You can create more interest and pack more content into a video than in any other medium. Mastering video marketing gives you a higher ROI than virtually any other form of marketing. Here are some easy steps for effective video marketing.

- Professional Online Video Promotion

The first step in professional video marketing is to optimize your video so that it can be picked up by the search engines. Tags are incredibly important as well as the name of the video. First of all, the tags that are on the video will help the video sharing system to index the video. The number one rule that you should always go by is this regardless of platform: The easier that your video is to index, the higher ranking it will receive within the search rankings for that system. This is true for Google, Youtube, Dailymotion and any other video sharing service or search engine that you can name.

Pick tags that coincide with the actual content that is in your video. Do not give in to the temptation to pick tags just because they describe some hot button topic. If your customer base comes to the video and is disappointed by the content, then you can bet that they will not be back a second time. This will certainly affect your search rankings in a negative way on any major platform.

One aspect about video titles that many people do not understand is that a title is actually a tag as well is a matter of fact, the title tag is one of the most important tags that is used for indexing content. In most successful tags, there is a relevant longtail keyword, a brand name and a localized keyword. Do not be afraid to stretch your title out 12 or 15 words - this is par for the course and necessary for you to fit all of the information into the title tag that you will need to properly index your video.

Second on the list of easy steps for effective video marketing is picking the right thumbnail image. 

The first few customers that are on your website will set the tone for how the video search engines will react to your content. In order to set a good precedent, you must attract these customers with an an enticing and relevant thumbnail image. Many video marketers believe that this is not important: however, it is actually one of the most important aspects of your video marketing program. A good thumbnail image can mean all of the difference between a substantial number of people giving you a chance and your video remaining TechNet, lowering your overall ranking in video search engines.

Third, you must remember that can also be indexed in the major search engines will, Yahoo and Bing as well as in on websites such as YouTube and Dailymotion.

The major search engines may actually be more important than the internal video search engine over 85% of all new business comes in from the search engines of Google, Yahoo and Bing. Being indexed highly in these engines will assure that your video is consumed by the maximum number of people.

To rank highly in the major search engines means that you gain trust with your content. Trust is gained through the initial interaction your content being consistent and constantly rising. This means that you must employ your social media pages in order to mobilize the customers that you already have if you do not have any customers, you may have to take out some ads on some of the major social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

1 comment:

  1. Checking out all the many videos people have shared online is the best place to start. Check out the videos that appeal to you and the ones that turn you off. Figure out why some work for you and others do not. Checking out what everyone else is up to can be a good learning experience. Just don't try to copy anyone.

    Deon Halstead @ Video Marketing SEO New York
